Hegseth, Pete
Birth Information
- Time: Fri Jun 06 1980 20:28:00 GMT-0500
- Location: Minneapolis, MN, USA
- Birth Tithi:10-dasami krishna
- Keywords:
- TV host/ Personality
- Military career
- Military service
Public Information
American FOX News Channel contributor. He served in the U.S. military with deployments to Cuba and Iraq.Birth certificate in hand from Viktor E.
Chart Analysis
- Lagna for this natal chart is Scorpio. The lagna lord Mars has a shadbala ratio of 1.47 and is placed in house 10.
- Moon is in nakshatra of U.Bhadra (γ Pegasi, α Andromedae) in pada 1. Moon has a shadbala ratio of 1.42 and is placed in house 5
- The strongest planet in this chart is Saturn with a shadbala ratio of 2.09 and is placed in house 10.
- The weakest planet in this chart is Mercury with a shadbala ratio of 0.942 and is placed in house 8.
Chart Yogas
- Gaj Kesari Yoga
- Saral Vipreet Raj Yog
- Vimal Vipreet Raj Yog
- Kedaara Yoga
- Koota Yoga
Planet | Zodiac | Degree | Nakshatra | Pada |
Ascendant | 8 | 18° 11' 59'' | Jyeshtha (α,σ,τ Scorpionis) | 1 |
Moon | 12 | 5° 16' 11'' | U.Bhadra (γ Pegasi, α Andromedae) | 1 |
Ketu | 10 | 29° 57' 36'' | Dhanista (α-δ Delphini) | 2 |
Saturn | 5 | 26° 49' 12'' | U.Phalg (Denebola) | 1 |
Rahu | 4 | 29° 57' 36'' | Ashlesha (δ,ε,η,ρ,σ Hydrae) | 4 |
Mars | 5 | 19° 11' 24'' | P.Phalg (δ,θ Leonis) | 2 |
Jupiter | 5 | 9° 9' 36'' | Magha (Regulus) | 3 |
Venus | 3 | 5° 32' 59'' | Mrigashir (λ,φ Orionis) | 4 |
Sun | 2 | 22° 52' 12'' | Rohini (Aldebaran) | 4 |
Mercury | 3 | 15° 44' 24'' | Ardra (Betelgeuse) | 3 |
Shadow Planets
Symbol | Shadow | House | Zodiac | Degree |
Ko | Kodanda | 1 | Scorpio | 1° 34' 48'' |
Pv | Parivesha | 5 | Pisces | 23° 47' 47'' |
In | Indrachapa | 6 | Aries | 6° 12' 12'' |
Up | Upaketu | 6 | Aries | 22° 52' 12'' |
Gu | Gulika | 7 | Taurus | 21° 28' 48'' |
Ma | Mandi | 8 | Gemini | 6° 47' 59'' |
Ka | Kala | 9 | Cancer | 11° 43' 12'' |
Pd | Paridhi | 10 | Leo | 3° 37' 47'' |
Mr | Mrityu | 10 | Leo | 25° 36' 0'' |
Ar | Ardhaprahara | 11 | Virgo | 17° 41' 59'' |
Vy | Vyatipata | 11 | Virgo | 23° 47' 47'' |
Ya | Yamaghantaka | 12 | Libra | 9° 39' 36'' |
Dh | Dhoom | 12 | Libra | 6° 12' 12'' |
Vimshottari Dasha Periods
Mahadasha | Start Date | End Date |
Saturn | | |
Mercury | | |
Ketu | | |
Venus | | |
Sun | | |
Moon | | |
Mars | | |
Rahu | | |
Jupiter | | |
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Lagna Scorpio